A unique event
The site of nearly 120 ha is exceptional for on-site events and for holding demonstrations under real conditions: easily drivable 5 km of gravel roads with wide grass strips, a range of different species, different types of tree stands, remarkable trees (arboretum created in 1940), welcome areas, marked walking trails, plots for reforestation, sites of biological interest, etc.
A mission
The GOAL of the Libramont Fair and Demo Forest is to bring the children of the Earth together to elicit questions, find and share innovative and sustainable solutions for agriculture, the forest and the environment. We want to support the actors of change to enable our community to smell, touch, taste, hear and see the world of tomorrow.
A multifaceted event
160 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors, most of whom are professionals. The programme of this very interactive event includes: 4 centres of interest commented by experts, conferences, discussions, international championships and competitions.