Stand :
Address :
Habaru, 1
Habaru 1
6860 Leglise (BE)
Habaru 1
6860 Leglise (BE)
Phone :
0032 497 21 15 47
Internet :
E-mail :
Description :
Meneurs is a young non-profit organization which defines itself as an animal traction design office.
Its objectives are the defense and promotion of animal traction, particularly through a philosophy of openness and sharing with all potential partners in the sector.
nIt is mainly composed of leaders and professional actors in the world of human and environmental ecology wishing to share their know-how and their interpersonal skills in order to develop animal traction.
nIts missions include the following activities:nSupport for the development of horse logging;nFacilitation platform between longshoremen and forest owners and managers;nTraining and initiations for leaders and traction animals;nPersonalized support (on-site training, home travel);nfeasibility study/calibration of your project;nAssistance in the development of forecast economic data;nServices and educational activities.
Its objectives are the defense and promotion of animal traction, particularly through a philosophy of openness and sharing with all potential partners in the sector.
nIt is mainly composed of leaders and professional actors in the world of human and environmental ecology wishing to share their know-how and their interpersonal skills in order to develop animal traction.
nIts missions include the following activities:nSupport for the development of horse logging;nFacilitation platform between longshoremen and forest owners and managers;nTraining and initiations for leaders and traction animals;nPersonalized support (on-site training, home travel);nfeasibility study/calibration of your project;nAssistance in the development of forecast economic data;nServices and educational activities.